An Evening at Boardman Wetlands

My mom and I go to Boardman Wetlands often because it is close to our house. Located in Milwaukie, Oregon, Boardman has a 0.25-mile long boardwalk, viewing platforms, and a short walkway to the edge of the pond. In the pond, there are grassy areas and islands, which are good spaces for wildlife to rest or to get some distance from people. It’s important to be quiet on the boardwalk because if you are making too much noise, the animals aren’t going to stick around.

While we were there recently, we saw mallard ducks, nutria, dragonflies, cedar waxwings, a Muscovy duck, and we even saw a bull frog. We were excited to see some wood ducks. They were juvenile wood ducks, which we had never seen before. The male had just started to change his colors.

Along the boardwalk we saw a variety of plants. There was Oregon Grape, Twinberry Honeysuckle, Common Jewelweed, and Rose Spirea. Later I learned that the Honeysuckle’s berries are good for many animals and birds, and its flowers provide nectar for hummingbirds and butterflies.

Many of our neighbors like to go to Boardman Wetlands too. Here’s what Cathy Miller likes about being there.

Jaz and Cathy

“So, my husband and I enjoy walking to Boardman. It’s not very far from where we live,” Cathy said. “Every time we go, we find something new that we haven't seen before. I'm still trying to find the turtles that are there. I know they're there, but I haven't seen them. I especially like watching the dragonflies and the sparrows dart and dash, especially over the water because then I can see the reflections. So far, my favorite photo captures are the green heron and the cedar waxwing capturing the dragonfly. I can't wait to see what shows up next.”

I plan to go back to Boardman Wetlands soon. I like that it is easy to access and that there is always something new to see. Some of my favorite sightings have been a turtle, green heron, and a hawk flying overhead.  For families, another great thing about Boardman is that it has a small playground for kids, as well as a picnic area.

Mauricio Valadrian